Pretty passenger takes cover in scooter sidecar for the 2016 Fort Lauderdale DGR.
After a rain delay the 2016 Fort Lauderdale, Fla. Distinguished Gentleman's Ride departed from Triumph of Pompano Beach Sunday morning, Sept. 25.
The world-wide ride, for cafe racers and vintage motorcycles, supports prostate cancer research and male suicide prevention. Donations to the cause are still being accepted.
Rain went on for an hour, delaying departure, but no one gave up.
My Royal Enfield and I registered for the ride but, when the time came I found that some fettling was needed and it looked like rain. Putting off the fettling meant a good chance of breaking down in the rain storm that was obviously approaching.
So, feeling like a complete poseur, I drove to the starting point in the car. It was still great to see all the old bikes and the many young people — and the young at heart — who love them.
BSA Lightning shines in the rain.
Ancient Indian displays sign of past glory.
Helmets and gloves, the iconic biker gear.
Safety lecture: Follow the guides' marked helmets.
It almost looked like a cavalry charge. Discipline prevailed.
Dapper and undaunted, the riders roar off.
The one they left behind: Bill finally got his Matchless started
but didn't get far. I gave him a ride home to fetch the van.
DGR riders are encouraged to dress dapper; it's a "tweed ride" and there were plenty of flat caps and bow ties in evidence.
Here's my video of the ride getting underway.
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