
Friday, July 29, 2016

Royal Enfield fun: Binge watching Chasing the Bullet videos

Got time for fun? Binge watch the "Making of Chasing the Bullet" videos.
"Chasing the Bullet — a Royal Enfield Documentary," is among films chosen for the 2016 Motorcycle Film Festival Sept. 14-17 in Brooklyn, N.Y.

American filmmaker Chris Zahner's short documentary is a loving video hug for the people of India who ride, repair, customize and worship the Royal Enfield Bullet motorcycle. You can watch "Chasing the Bullet" for free on YouTube.

But, almost as sweet, Zahner has just posted on YouTube No. 5 in a running series of "Making of Chasing the Bullet" videos.

While the documentary tries to explain the phenomenon of Royal Enfield in India, the "making of" videos are different.

They spare us the explanation and get right to the joy. Although carefully edited in Zahner's fast-paced style, they come across as pure zany, unscripted fun.

Why would you not binge watch all five? I just did.

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