
Monday, February 1, 2016

Photos of 2016 Dania Beach Vintage Motorcycle Show

Judges at work evaluating the British motorcycles.
Sadly, I spotted no Royal Enfields this year except the one I parked on.
Actual comments overheard Saturday at the Dania Beach Vintage Motorcycle Show in Dania Beach, Fla.:

"I can't believe this place. There are so many (great) old motorcycles."


"I've seen things here I didn't know existed."

"I didn't know Indian made these."

"Look at this stuff!"

"I never even knew they made a Hercules."

It's my favorite local show and, this year, there was so much to look at I'm going to go right to the photos of the crazy stuff I liked the best. And I do like crazy stuff the best.

Tidy and tiny 1959 DKW Hummel.
(Hummel is German for Bumblebee.)
Note the cozy tire pump fitting. But what's the grab handle for?
Elegant grab handle on a Steib S350 sidecar attached to a BMW.
1949 DOT Motortruck entered by Guy Protano of Hollywood, Fla.
(It had a speedometer on the tank and twin headlights.)
Best mascot was greyhound on 1950s Express Radex 100N.
1950 Reidel R100 Emmi entered by Jack Wells of Lake City, Fla.
Do you see what I don't see?
The Reidel has a single front fork tube!
1948 James entered by Bud Miller looked fantastic.
James took the mixture seriously.
The Hercules Wankel shown by Fred Kolman of Ottawa, Canada.
Who would think to pick out Speedmaster in paint? Nice touch.
1962 Jawa shown by Tim Purvis of West Palm Beach.
Get closer. The Jawa gets help from a Sears lawnmower gas tank.
Ideal paperweight for a vintage motorcycle.
Absolutely unashamed, a modest Honda sports duct tape bodywork.
Surprisingly effective.
Something else that never occurred to me.


  1. Anonymous2/02/2016

    Nice photos. Where and when was this show?

    1. I should have included that. Event was Saturday, Jan. 30, 2016 at Frost Park, Dania Beach, Florida, U.S.A. Admission is free for audience members, there's a flea market, food, motorcycle skill competitions for fun, and the weather always cooperates.

    2. Anonymous2/03/2016

      That Hercules is still a nice looking bike. I remember it as very expensive in its time (1976) and its failure nearly sank Sachs, taking the company years to recover.
