
Thursday, February 4, 2016

Best photos 2016 Dania Beach Vintage Motorcycle Show

1922 Neracar's dual headlights gave it an automobile look.
In one word, what makes a great vintage motorcycle show for you?

I say the word is "Surprises." The Dania Beach Vintage Motorcycle Show Jan. 30 in Dania Beach, Fla. had plenty of those.

Motorcycles I'd never seen before. Motorcycles I'd never heard of before. Motorcycles I'd never understood before. Here are my photos of the ones that surprised me the most:

I'd never seen the Neracar gearbox.
One look tells you how it works.
The Neracar drew a crowd.
I was surprised how small it is.
Nose cone of this sidecar looked to be from the Jet Age. was attached to 1973 Pannonia T5, from Hungary.
Shown by Robert Juhasz of Fort Lauderdale.
1975 Norton 850 Commando boasted Electric Start.
Shown by John Snead of Jacksonville.
The electric start Commando roadster looked great.
This e-start 850 Commando claimed 169 original miles.
Shown by Mark and Jane Petersen.
1960 Velocette LE 200, best looking one I've seen.
Shown by Mark Sepulveda of Hialeah.
Clever 1960 suitcase style scooter looked lived out of.
Shown by John Schultz of Lake Worth.
Admiring glances for 1977 Triumph Bonneville Silver Jubilee.
Shown by Tony Thackham of Dania Beach.
Vespa scooter eases parking woes.
Or is it art? You decide.


  1. Amongst the 50 or so motorcycles I have owned I have had 3 LE Velocettes (all ex Metropolitan Police). They are fascinating little bikes but even then (1960s)were vastly under powered.I remember going up a steep hill on one, throttle screwed right open, in bottom gear and being overtaken at speed by a step thru Honda 50!
    They would be downright dangerous on today's roads as even on the flat they struggled to reach 55 mph and as for head winds.........

    1. Thanks for sharing your experience. It fills in the blanks. What surprises me is that something so angular could be made so pretty.
