
Tuesday, September 29, 2015

My Royal Enfield distinguishes itself at the 2015 DGR

That's my 1999 Royal Enfield on the right, serving as a clothes rack.
My Royal Enfield Bullet and I made it to my local Distinguished Gentleman's Ride through my home town this year. The Enfield didn't overheat.

I did.

Even late September in Florida is too humid for wool jacket, tie and flat cap. During a stop at a beachside pub I took off the jacket and hung it on the handlebars.

I spotted only one other Royal Enfield on the ride; a new Battle Green C5. I parked next to it, hoping to make a good impression.

You are always properly dressed on a Royal Enfield.
The rider of the new Royal Enfield rewarded me by looking over my unwashed Enfield with its duct-tape customizations. Observing this, I glowed with pride. Did them myself, I did.

Not until the rest of the riders pulled up did I realize that my Royal Enfield would be positioned at the curb essentially where the smokers would congregate. Fortunately for all, my Bullet behaved well, and did not explode.

Ever conscious that my motorcycle dislikes starting when other people are watching, I waited until the majority of riders had left before I attempted to kick my Royal Enfield to life.

Scooter sidecarists wave farewell.
To my satisfaction it started on the first kick and, then, just as I prepared to mount, died utterly.

I had forgotten to turn on the fuel tap.

One more kick and we were rolling — toward home. We abandoned the ride early, just as we had joined it late. We're anti-social, my Royal Enfield and I.

But we enjoyed seeing all the distinguished gentleman and ladies and their motorcycles. Hope you like the pictures.
Blue bike, blue glasses, red lips.

The well shod gentleman.

Ducati looking fast while standing still.

See where the rear-view mirror is? C-o-o-o-o-l.

Something about polka dots.

Are motorcycle selfies even legal?


...and coming, with class.

Proper headgear is a must.

And a fine time was had by all.

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like a very enjoyable event, David. Nice to see my other loves, BMWs and sidecars well represented.
