One of the delights in writing about a Brit-style motorcycle like the Royal Enfield is frequent Internet encounters with intrepid people around the world engaged in riding, restoring and just going above and beyond to celebrate and enjoy their motorcycles.
India, the United States and the rest of the world are full of dauntless individuals. But, surely, the British Isles themselves and the associated islands of New Zealand and Australia excel in the category of "Press On, Regardless."
No clearer recent example of "never say die" comes to us via the Barnstormers NZ website. The site was hacked, leading to this defiant response:
"Well, as you can see the site looks somewhat different.
"And there’s no content…
"Well for the past month we’ve been getting hacked and we’ve been getting a little sick of it so we are taking a wee break to see if the new software stands up to the onslaught before recommencing the Barnstomers site. We do have backups of the old site so eventually all the old content will be returned.
"...It's a real shame that some spotty geek, who’s got bored with coitus with his pets, and while his mum is out honing her negotiable affection skills, has decided to trawl the Internet to find out how to hack a Wordpress site and set about doing this to show off to his six fingered inbred mates.
"Nice. And clever too, such obvious use of a search engine and a quick download of someone else’s hacking software has kept him happy for another day and made him a real employment prospect. And what did he gain? Was it all the credit card details we didn't have?
"...So please be patient, we will be back... And if we get hacked again? I guess we’ll just carry on anyway and rebuild.
"Don't let the Barstards grind you down.
Good show! Cached versions of the Barnstormers NZ site show their sense of humor to advantage.
Where in Färila?
(I decided to turn this into the regular Christmas post for the blog. Even
if it repeats year after year, who can tire of seeing this?)
Now you know the tr...
Illegitimi non carborundum!