
Monday, November 21, 2011

Royal Enfields, riders, bear up under strain of travel

"Tiny" Tim Rose and his loaded Royal Enfield.
Tim Rose, of the U.K., shared this link to his story of a trip taken from England to Gibraltar and back by three riders on Royal Enfields in 2007.

I suggest you click the link and ride along with Tim and his two friends — unless you are reading this at work. You may laugh out loud (I did) and have to explain why to the boss.

Why make a 4,500-mile round-trip on Royal Enfield motorcycles?

"A long time ago, in a galaxy far, far away, there existed a British Motorcycle Industry," Tim begins.

And, then, he adds: "Few had remembered that, at the closing of an Empire, the very technology that had caused the demise of the Industry had been exported to the only nation who could be trusted to keep the dream alive and carry on like the Sorcerer's Apprentice making the same old thing, in the same old way, because no one said to do otherwise...."

"So many people are proud to be able to own a link to such a worthy inheritance but sadly many of them only get used as 'Garage Ornaments' and for physiotherapy by over-polishing with 'Magic Cloths' and potions."

Such would not be the case for these three Royal Enfields.

Preparations for the ride begin with careful accumulation of spares for repairs to keep the Royal Enfields running. This, and camping gear, results in motorcycles so heavily packed that one rider finds he can not dismount without help.

Naturally, the only spare part needed is one they forget to bring. It is the simplest thing, something that would fit in your shirt pocket. And, naturally, the only permanent damage suffered by the motorcycles is a broken luggage rack, unable to handle the burden.

The riders, too, feel the burden of unaccustomed exertion. "Tiny" Tim and the others betray by their shape their thorough enjoyment of the foods and beers they encounter.

Reading Tim's account, you're amazed the seasickness experienced crossing the Channel wasn't alone enough to end this journey. Yet the three press on, only slightly daunted by miles, rain and natives who don't speak English. ("You'd think they'd make the effort," Tim muses.)

But enough. I'll only add that Tim repeatedly transitions from one story to the next with the phrase "That's when it happened..."

Recommended reading.

And don't miss Part 2 and The Epilogue.

1 comment:

  1. Matt Law11/21/2011

    Hilarious reading...and my arse isn't numb...but I did laugh out loud more than once...thanks for the link,David!
