
Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Jay Leno learns what's to like about Royal Enfield

Jay Leno sizes up a Royal Enfield C5.
(Photo by Taylor Mahoney)
Royal Enfield motorcycles will appear in an upcoming episode of Jay Leno's Garage. Leno sampled various Royal Enfield models and took delivery of his own new G5 Deluxe Saturday at his fabled California "garage" of rare and collectible motor vehicles.

Royal Enfield USA President Kevin Mahoney describes the experience of meeting Leno and explaining Royal Enfields on camera.

"We filmed a segment of Jay Leno's Garage this past weekend in Burbank. It was really a lot of fun. Leno is really a nice, easy-to-deal-with guy. There were two things happening with the shoot.

"The main thing was a piece about the Royal Enfield. It included a static overview of the bike by Jay with me helping out when asked. He then rode the bike with a helmet mic and gave a riding review. He told me afterwards that he was surprised at how well the bike rode, including on the freeway.

Leno tries a Cozy sidecar for size. Kevin Mahoney answers questions.
(Photo by Taylor Mahoney)
"The second part was pictures of him taking delivery of his new G5 Deluxe from Mike Frankovich of NoHo Scooters (Royal Enfield Los Angeles). This was the model he really wanted and Mike provided it.

"We spent the better part of the day at his shop watching him do other segments as well as ours. We were free to wander his collection which takes up several buildings. Most every vehicle is ready to drive, fresh battery, gas etc. He drives them all on a regular basis.

"We had lunch with him and generally had a grand time."

Having America's best known motor head ride a Royal Enfield is obviously a tremendous coup. His endorsement may not sell any motorcycles, but his attention to the brand probably will cut down on how often you're asked, at a stoplight, "A Royal Enfield? What's that?"

Leno took delivery of his very own Royal Enfield G5 Deluxe.
(Photo by Taylor Mahoney)

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