
Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Would you trade your Royal Enfield for a snowplow?

Snowplow photo from
The long winter "up north" (as those of us in Florida call the rest of the United States) has taken its toll on a particular snowplow driver.

He wants a Royal Enfield Bullet, 2007 or newer, must be the five speed Classic, with the AVL motor, not the new fuel injection.

In trade, he's offering his 2001 snowplow truck, a black Dodge 2500 with four-wheel drive, new tires and brakes and a Hiniker plow.

The snowplow is in Tivoli, N.Y., in the Hudson Valley near the Catskill Mountains. But its driver isn't sticking around any longer than he has to:

"I'm going south!" he writes, in his ad on CraigsList.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous2/08/2011

    NO!But thanks for asking...Matt Law/Bullethead63~
