
Friday, May 28, 2010

California shop sold Royal Enfields in '62

Royal Enfield motorcycles are coming to California, at last. Doug Douglas Motorcycles in San Bernardino is one of the businesses that will represent Royal Enfield motorcycles in California. I noted earlier that the Doug Douglas shop is a legend in its community.

Not everyone takes time to read the comments made on blog items, so it's worthwhile dredging up this comment I got from them a couple days later:

"Hi David... just wanted to let you and the Royal Enfield fans who read your blog know that I am one of those enthusiasts myself. I'm co-owner of Doug Douglas Motorcycles and I was really surprised to see your mention of us when I was doing some online reading today.

"Like everyone else it seems we're really excited to be on the verge (finally) of having Royal Enfield here, again. I say again because the very first brand that we carried was Royal Enfield in 1962. Seems like the old is indeed new again!"

Doug Douglas Motorcycles has a 47-year history in its community, but I didn't realize it had such an early tie to Royal Enfield.

You can read more about them here.

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