Royal Enfield motorcycles are coming to California, at last. Doug Douglas Motorcycles in San Bernardino is one of the businesses that will represent Royal Enfield motorcycles in California. I noted earlier that the Doug Douglas shop is a legend in its community.
Not everyone takes time to read the comments made on blog items, so it's worthwhile dredging up this comment I got from them a couple days later:
"Hi David... just wanted to let you and the Royal Enfield fans who read your blog know that I am one of those enthusiasts myself. I'm co-owner of Doug Douglas Motorcycles and I was really surprised to see your mention of us when I was doing some online reading today.
"Like everyone else it seems we're really excited to be on the verge (finally) of having Royal Enfield here, again. I say again because the very first brand that we carried was Royal Enfield in 1962. Seems like the old is indeed new again!"
Doug Douglas Motorcycles has a 47-year history in its community, but I didn't realize it had such an early tie to Royal Enfield.
You can read more about them here.
Million Dollar Babies
Does a Million Dollar Baby mean anything to the motorcycle market, or the
culture of motorcycling? No. But it's fun to watch from the sidelines
The post...
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