Wanted: Great stories
I welcome news, information and tips about Royal Enfield motorcycles. Share your stories and pictures with me: david@royalenfields.com
Some of my favorite stories have come from Royal Enfield riders who have written to me. Here are some you might like:
Chatting with the Call Center Guy: You've probably had many occasions to talk on the phone to help center workers in India. Have you ever been tempted to talk about Royal Enfields with the help desk guy? Gary Pinchin did it.
Victoria returns: Storybook endings happen in the world of motorcycles, too. Malcolm Fisher of the United Kingdom parted with his Royal Enfield Bullet , then decided he missed it and wanted another one. The one he found was his own, beloved Victoria. Here's his story.
His 'cheat sheet': Ted Wetzler, of North Ridgeville, Ohio, decided to make his own "cheat sheet" to pass out to curious people, giving them something to answer their questions and remember their encounter with his unusual vehicle. One side had pictures. Read what he wrote on the other side.
A 'Big Head' hillclimber: Denis Gagne of Maine told us about his father Jerry's exploits on an Indian hillclimber powered by a rare Royal Enfield Big Head Bullet motor. He sent shots of the motorcycle as it looks today, and photos of his dad in action in the 1970s. There's even a video of Denis' son Bruce riding it.
Better than ever: Don McMahan of Lino Lakes, Minn., has had his 1967 Royal Enfield Interceptor since 1971 — except for three years, when it was stolen from him. He got it back and made it better than ever with the help of Royal Enfield guru George Helm. Here's the story.
A mystery is solved: An unusual looking Royal Enfield is a very rare model, sold in the United States for one year only, 1961. Its owner, Jim Luzier, hadn't been able explain what it was to daughter, Aimee. Jim died in 2009. But he left a picture of himself, taken in 2008. In what Aimee says was a playful mood, Jim had posed for a picture for a friend. Jim is shown holding up a sign that identifies the motorcycle!
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